Our project has 2 European Quality Label from Portugal and Romania.
Archiv rubriky: Products
You can see our final product – our e-book with links to application which we made during our project. Enjoy our first e-book.
ICT in natural science
Our final product. You can see lesson plans for teaching with ICT in Biology. Materials are preparing for teachers (you can see links, timetable etc.). Enjoy it.
Possibilites of ICT usage in physics
Our final product. You can see lesson plans for teaching with ICT in Physics. Materials are preparing for teachers (you can see links, timetable etc.). Enjoy it.
Possibilities of ICT usage in chemistry
Our final product. You can see lesson plans for teaching with ICT in Biology. Materials are preparing for teachers (you can see links, timetable etc.). Enjoy it.
Possibilities of ICT usage in Geography
Our final product. You can see lesson plans for teaching with ICT in Geography. Materials are preparing for teachers (you can see links, timetable etc.). Enjoy it.
Possibilities of ICT usage in Biology
Our final product. You can see lesson plans for teaching with ICT in Biology. Materials are preparing for teachers (you can see links, timetable etc.). Enjoy it.
Chemistry Application
Very interesting application for chemistry and physics teachers is PHET. We choosed for you one part: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/balancing-chemical-equations
- Chemical Equations
- Conservation of Mass
How do you know if a chemical equation is balanced? What can you change to balance an equation? Play a game to test your ideas!
Sample Learning Goals
- Balance a chemical equation.
- Recognize that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction.
- Describe the difference between coefficients and subscripts in a chemical equation.
- Translate from symbolic to molecular representations of matter.
- Glaciers
- Climate
Adjust mountain snowfall and temperature to see the glacier grow and shrink. Use scientific tools to measure thickness, velocity and glacial budget.
Sample Learning Goals
- Explain how environmental conditions (temperature and precipitation) impact glacial mass budget; identify where snow accumulates in a glacier and justify why.
- Explain how ice moves within a glacier; describe and illustrate flow within a glacier.
- Explain or illustrate (demonstrate) how glaciers (i) stay at equilibrium, (ii) grow/advance, (iii) shrink/retreat, and (iv) form; compare climatic conditions leading to each.
- Determine and illustrate how multiple advance-retreat cycles affect the record of glacial end morain
Kahoot! is an application which good for revision. In Kahoot! you can prepare a test, a final revision, or an attractive competition. Test questions can be added by pictures, sound, or examples. What do you need for this game?
Students are divided into teams, each team needs one smartphone. The preparation of the test itself is very simple and intuitive. And what does the testing or competition look like? The teacher starts the quiz at his/her computer, chooses the choice “team mode”, and then the “game pin” appears at the screen. The competitors go on kahoot.it, write down the pin, and the game can start.
Each team creates the name of the team, write down the members of the team. The teacher reads the question and the options, the competitors have a little time to think it about, and then different colors appear on the phones. Each color is for one option. The fastest correct answer wins. Everybody can see the current order of the competitors during the game, and, this makes the quiz even more exciting. It is better to play with WIFI of a good quality and smartphones, but it is also possible to play around the computer.
Examples of quizzes prepared within the project Digital teaching in natural scientific subject.
Quiz about states (for teambuilding on first mobility)