Czech Republic


Martano, Italy


Rosiori de Vede, Romania


Digital Teaching in natural scientific subjects is one of Erasmus+ projects. Most secondary schools try to use digital technologies in the process of education (they own PCs, notebook, projectors), and some own electronic teaching materials which are also available for their students. However, when it comes to use those technologies which students are a part of (smartphones, tablet, apps, etc.), schools are still behindhand. The aim of the project is focus on usage of smartphones/tablet computer in the lessons of natural scientific subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography). We are going to create mobile applications and teaching materials, which are going to be free and accessible to everyone (e.g. in Google Play). We have Twinspace web page too.

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Mobile phone in classroom

Mobile phone in classroom

New ways how to use mobile phone in the claasroom

New teaching methods

New teaching methods

Sharing methods used in partner countries

Using Arduino

Using Arduino

Many Arduino projects from students to students

New experiences

New experiences

Not only for students, but for teachers too.


In this project are participating 5 countries.

Czech Republic
Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Střední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město
Coordinator of this project

Střední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město is a school located in Zlínský Region and there are some 700 students educated in GCSE branches of Grammar School, Agriculture Business, Civil Engineering, Sport Management, Economics and Business, Mechanic – Tool Setter, and in vocational branches of Motor vehicles mechanic, Machine mechanic, Joiner, and Metal worker. The aim of our school is to prepare the students of CCSE students for university studies and the students of vocational branches for their future not only by providing quality education but also by cooperating with employers in our region.

Our websites:



Colegiul National Anastasescu, Rosiori de Vede

National College Anastasescu was founded on November 10, 1919 by two brothers, Ionel si Niculache Anastasescu. The school is situated in Rosiori de Vede a small town at 100 kilometers distance by Bucharest, the country capital. National College „Anastasescu“ is a general secondary school, belonging to the state, with students aged 14-19, with two profiles: real (specialization mathematics-informatics and natural sciences) and human (philology-English / French). We have a team consists of about 70 teachers and 840 students. Last year the school was re-accredited by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education. Management is provided by the school unit director, deputy director, board members. High School operates on a proper management plan. The material base consists of: 1 auditorium, 33 classrooms; 1 cabinet school special education teacher; Cabinets: history, foreign languages, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, two computers labs; gym; boarding and cafeteria. In our college are schooled students from rural and urban areas in equal proportions, which generally come from families with good material and environmental status, and students from families with unemployed parents, left to work abroad, beneficiaries of social programs, social grants. Students have good results at school; high school graduation rate is 100%, while the average for the promotion of national baccalaureate exam is 86%.

Our websites:



I.I.S.S. „S. Trinchese“, Martano

We are a Secondary School in a small town, called Martano, near Lecce in the southeast of Italy. With more than 750 hundred students (aged from 15 to 19) and almost 100 teachers (20 of them support students with special needs), the school started its operation, as independent structure in 1998. Almost the 40 % of our students live nearby while the others commute from the neighbouring towns. Given that the school is divided in different sectors (Vocational for Social Services, Technical for Finance & Marketing, “Liceo Scientifico” and “Classico”) our pupils display a wide range of attitudes torwards formal education, from those who are highly motivated to those with learning difficulties or physical disabilities. In some of our classes, there are some pupils with special needs, well integrated with their fellow students. They follow lessons as the other ones but at the same time, they participate to some activities, which provide scope for their creativity.




Escola Secundária de Loulé

Loulé Secondary School has about 135 teachers who teach: 35 staff in the different functional areas of the school, regular education (Science and Technology, Socioeconomic Sciences, Arts and Literature and Literature), in a total of 26 classes in the three years of school in Portugal (10th, 11st and 12nd); Vocational Education, Technician of Computer Equipment (3), Computer Programming (3), Technical of Electrical Installation (2), Technical of Graphic Design (3), Multimedia (3), Technician of Renewable Energies (1), Restaurant Technician (3), Cooking Technician (3), Environmental and Rural Tourism Technician (3), Mechatronics Automobile (3), Sports Technician (1) Health Care Technician (2), in a total of 30 courses in the three Years of teaching (10th, 11st and 12nd); Vocational Courses (Bar and Gardening, in a total of 2 courses in the last year of course); Recurrent Adult Teaching Courses. It has a total of about 1200 students, between 15 and 21 years of age, distributed by all the training modalities. It presents a total of 35 employees, distributed by the school administration, social action service, training center and operational assistants.
It is a multicultural school that has students of different nationalities and from different continents.

Our websites:



NTI Gymnasiet Lund

NTI upper secondary school has about 250 students from 15 to 18 years. Students take teaching staff have regular education in mathematics, domestic and foreign languages, natural sciences, technology, social sciences and vocational subjects. Like the rest of Sweden our schools are multicultural, with students from many different counties and backgrounds and are open for application to everyone in Sweden. Our vision about teaching is to prepare our students for a global world and for the demands on technology and networking with others. Teachers encourage students to face the challenges and prepare for tomorrow’s labour market. In Swedish curriculum, schools are obligated to aim towards interaction with people from other cultures, religious beliefs and environments. Furthermore schools are obligated to encourage students to exercise influence on democratic principles and social life. Through the Erasmus+ project we at NTI see great possibilities to expand the horizon of our students and to help them become great democratic participants of tomorrow’s society.

Our websites: